Defying depression with God

Defying depression with God

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The word 'remain' appears 11 times in John 15:1-10.

The passage says that God is the gardener and he cuts off our branches and prunes us. This sounds like a painful process.

Christ knows that it's painful and he pleads with us; "Remain in me". It's like he is saying; "My child, I know that this will hurt, but hang onto me....remain in me and you will survive this pruning."

In the passage he goes on to say; "If anyone does not remain in me he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned."

If we do not remain in him, we will experience more suffering and our pain will be for naught. If we do not remain in Christ, we will be thrown into the fire and burned. On the other hand, if we remain in Christ, the pruning process leads to fruit bearing.

Rest assured that if you remain in Christ, you will not only survive the pruning, but as a result you will reflect God's glory.

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